When someone sees a suscpitious event he goes to WildLeak website where he can find a link to download Thor Browser. Via Thor he can anonymously use WildLeaks website and report the incident. The person can also use an anonymous encrypted email service called ProtonMail.ch and send an email to WildLeaks. The last option is that they can use Threema which is a versatile app that encrypts all your communications end-to-end.
Right now there is no API involved in the utilization of WildLeaks.
Different API's can be implemented to allow a greater impact:
Movebank is a free, online database of animal tracking data hosted
by the Max Planck Institute of Animal Behavior. Thet help animal
tracking researchers to manage, share, protect, analyze and
archive their data.
It allows to track data by exploring animal movements through an
interactive map. By integrating this API to WildLeaks, regular
people will have access to this data and map can know if they are
in a place where there are endangered species and what kind,
making it easier to identify them.
Or any kind of public database API that provides a list of
endangered species and their characteristics.
On the same app, people will have access to a large library
providing them with information to identify species so in case
they encounter one it's more easy for them to identify it and
report. This solution can also be used by law enforcement
officers. They can filter base on where they are the species
around them and have access to images, and information on the
API can improve the project by giving access to new and different ressources. By being able to identify the species people will be reporting more cases. It's also an educative tool. By having an app where all the API functions are working coordinatly will allow a more user-friendly project and time saving as well.